Coporate Mission Of Longxing Knitting Machine

Company Code of Conduct

In the nearly 20 years of development history, the company always adhere to the principle of "science and technology create the future" philosophy of development, the science and technology innovation as the power for the development of the enterprise, improve product reliability, stability and advanced nature as the goal of the company, to provide users with high efficiency and high quality value-added services, and constantly lead China knitting technology to high-end development.

Code of conduct for employees: loyalty to the enterprise, cooperation, efficiency, dedication and development

Loyal enterprise: do nothing harmful to the company and maintain the company's honor

Cooperation and cooperation: never shirk the work within the responsibility, and must do it well; Take the initiative to undertake the work with unclear responsibilities; Be willing to assist in work outside of duties;

High efficiency and excellence: not afraid of competition, dare to compete, and create first-class performance in the fierce competition;

Dedication and development: pour every success with hard sweat, and describe a bright future with the spirit of innovation.

Code of conduct for managers: one heart and one mind, dare to be responsible, be diligent and pragmatic, and be brave in innovation

One heart and one mind: adhere to the principle of putting the overall interests of the company first, be good at listening to different opinions, and unite all people who can be united;

Dare to be responsible: maintain a strong enterprising spirit and sense of crisis; Dare to take responsibility for the Department's business decisions;

Diligent and pragmatic: down-to-earth, attention to detail; Surpass oneself and pursue excellence;

Be brave in Innovation: advocate lifelong learning, improve innovation ability, dare to deny yourself, and pursue a higher realm.

Enterprise spirit

Pragmatism, innovation and Transcendence


Weave a better life


Create high-quality culture and national brand

Global Business
  • Researching and releasing knitting popular trend.

  • Designing and developing knitting patterns (currently, there are more than 10000 self-developed knitting patterns in the central warehouse, and more than 400 knitting patterns are continuously developed each year.)

  • Developing and manufacturing sample garment(our center is equipped with 45 knitting computer machines from 3 gauge to 16 gauge, to assist the customer completing the sample garment quickly and provide detailed technical information).

  • Carrying on small amount order of upmarket knitwear.

Product & Equipment

weft lined upper
sce131a economical computerized flat knitting machine
sce131a economical computerized flat knitting machine2
knitted collar sample2
sce131a economical computerized flat knitting machine1
knitted collar sample1
ksc092d093d 14g weft lined vamp knitting machine 5
weft lined upper1
computer embroidery machine2
sce280tf 14g economical double head computerized flat knitting machine
sock machine lsz603ss1
sock machine lsz603ss
knitted collar sample
sock machine lsz603ss appearance
computer embroidery machine1
computer embroidery machine
sock machine lsz603ss2