Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Company Profile

Suzhou Fanzhou Technology Co., Ltd.  was founded in 2022. It is a "key high-tech enterprise of the national Torch Plan" and "high-tech enterprise of Jiangsu Province". It is a multi-level, all-round service intelligent equipment manufacturing enterprise with independent innovation ability and independent brand, integrating the design, production and sales of knitting machinery, The "Longxing" trademark of the company is a well-known trademark in China. The company was changed from Longxing company. on October 18, 2022.

At present, the company has obtained ISO9001-2008 quality management system certification and CE certification. Since its establishment in 1995, the company has always adhered to the development concept of "science and technology create the future", regarded scientific and technological innovation as the driving force of enterprise development, pursued the idea of "quality first, user first", and provided users with efficient and high-quality after-sales service; Take improving the reliability, stability and progressiveness of products as the company's business objectives, and provide a powerful booster for the development of China's knitting industry.

Knitting Machine Company

Organizational governance of the company

In order to achieve the company's development strategy and business objectives, prevent the design and operation risks of the company's organizational structure, optimize the company's governance structure, management system and operation mechanism, and establish a modern enterprise system, the company's organizational structure and management system are formulated in accordance with the company law of the people's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations and the basic norms of enterprise internal control.

The organizational structure of the company is shown in the following figure:

Management system of the company:

According to the organizational structure of the company, the responsibilities and authorities, terms of office, rules of procedure and working procedures of the board of directors, the board of supervisors and the management are formulated to ensure that decision-making, implementation and supervision are separated from each other and form checks and balances. The post responsibilities, management systems and business process specifications of each management department, technical department and production department have been formulated.

The board of directors is responsible to the general meeting of shareholders and exercises the decision-making power of the enterprise according to law. According to the relevant resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders, four special committees of strategy, audit, nomination, remuneration and assessment can be established to clarify the responsibilities, authorities, qualifications, rules of procedure and working procedures of each special committee, so as to provide support for the scientific decision-making of the board of directors.

The board of supervisors is responsible to the general meeting of shareholders and supervises the directors, managers and other senior managers of the enterprise to perform their duties according to law.

The management is responsible to the board of directors and presides over the production, operation and management of the enterprise. The division of responsibilities of managers and other senior managers is clear.

According to the formation procedure of the company law, the board of directors, the board of supervisors and the management of the company are elected, and their personnel composition, knowledge structure and ability meet the requirements of performing their duties.

For the company's major decisions, major matters, important personnel appointments and removals, and large capital payment businesses, the collective decision-making approval or joint signing system shall be implemented in accordance with the prescribed authority and procedures. No individual may make decisions alone or change the collective decision-making opinions without authorization.

In accordance with the principles of science, simplification, efficiency, transparency, checks and balances, and taking into account the nature of the enterprise, development strategy, cultural concepts, management requirements and other factors, the company sets up internal functional institutions, defines the responsibilities and authorities of each institution, avoids overlapping, missing or over concentration of rights and responsibilities, and forms a working mechanism in which each performs its own duties, assumes its own responsibilities, restricts and coordinates with each other.

The company formulates internal management systems or relevant documents such as organization chart, business flow chart, post (position) specification and authority guidance, so that employees can understand and master the organizational structure design and power and responsibility allocation, and correctly perform their duties.

Human rights situation

The operation of the enterprise cannot be separated from the participation of employees. The development and effectiveness of the enterprise also benefit employees, which is fully reflected in the income, welfare, production, vacation, living environment improvement and work stability of employees.

The company signs labor contracts with employees in strict accordance with national and local regulations, and regularly pays various insurances and housing provident funds for employees.

At the end of each year, the company conducts the selection of excellent employees, and selects 30 excellent employees and 5 advanced Party members every year. Give material and spiritual rewards, organize all employees to visit the World War II held in Shanghai, party and League members to visit the revolutionary education base, and some employees to travel activities, so as to strengthen the communication and communication between employees and the company and employees, and constantly stimulate employees' work enthusiasm and team cohesion.

Based on the vital interests of employees and the actual situation, the company will build new dormitory and canteen for employees, provide appropriate food and accommodation subsidies, and conduct physical examination for all employees once a year.

The company has invested in the establishment of sports venues such as basketball courts, table tennis courts and gymnasiums, providing conditions for employees to activate their spare time life.

The labor union organization of the company will pay attention to the employees in a practical way, timely condone and visit the sick and hospitalized employees and care for the needy employees. The labor union often goes to the grass-roots level to understand the ideological dynamics and practical difficulties of employees, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and create a positive and harmonious corporate cultural atmosphere.

Excellent corporate culture can show the public the style of successful management, good business conditions and new staff spirit, so as to create a good overall image for the enterprise, expand social influence and become a huge intangible asset of the enterprise; Excellent corporate culture can also enable employees to have common goals, have a consistent understanding of many issues, enhance mutual trust and communication between employees, management and employees, strengthen the spirit of teamwork, and maximize the enthusiasm and creativity of employees; In addition, corporate culture also helps to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises. Only enterprises form endogenous power rather than relying on external innovation power, and cultivate sustainable rather than short-term innovation ability.

The company has set up a leading group for corporate culture work, with the general manager as the leader and personnel from relevant departments as members, clarifying the vision, mission and core values of the enterprise. The company uses the company's website, employee symposiums, the company's publication "Jinlong technology" and other forms to convey and communicate to employees, so that the corporate culture gradually goes deep into the employees' consciousness and is transformed into the employees' conscious actions, so that the enterprise and employees can establish a community of cultural values while establishing a community of interests. The top management of the company takes "loyalty, integrity, pragmatism and innovation" as the enterprise philosophy, and constantly urges and inspires all employees.

The company conveys the above policies, strategies and corporate philosophy to all employees in various forms, and uses the company's website, employee symposium, the company's publication Jinlong technology and other forms to convey the company's short-term goals and medium and long-term plans, such as the annual work and operation goals, to employees; Hire a professional management team to carry out various trainings for employees, visit and study party members once a year, and commend excellent employees.

The company has always created and encouraged a good atmosphere for employees to participate in management, so that employees at all levels can actively participate in the whole process of quality management. The company's senior management actively implements the quality management principle of "full participation", vigorously promotes QC group activities, annually sends quality inspectors to go out to study and participate in technical exchange activities in the industry, formulates the management system of all departments of the company, including the quality department, and in the QC group activities, Taking the team as the unit, we regularly organize activities, in which leaders at all levels of the company also participate. Through the activities, we have achieved fruitful results in the improvement of new products, quality improvement, process and technology innovation, management improvement projects, etc. In the quality month activities carried out by the company, a large number of excellent quality management teams and advanced individuals have emerged. It has created a good atmosphere in which everyone cares about quality and actively gives advice, continuously improves product quality, and makes the concept of strengthening quality awareness deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Labor practice

Making efforts to ensure the safety and health of employees is the primary task of the company's operation. In line with the business philosophy of "safety first, prevention first", the company has established a safety production leading group with the deputy general manager in charge of production as the group leader and the leaders of production and personnel departments as members. At the beginning of each year, the safety production responsibility system is signed with the production department to ensure the safety of all employees and the property of the company. The three-level safety education rate reaches 100%. Conduct on-the-job training for new employees, post change employees and employees who have been on leave for more than three months, and invite personnel from the labor safety department to conduct safety production training for employees. The safety leading group of the company regularly carries out safety inspection on the production site. Send out training for special types of work, such as electricians, forklifts, welders, crane workers, etc., and implement the employment system with certificates. According to the work needs of different positions, the labor protection supplies shall be regularly distributed to employees. The company has made great efforts to ensure the safety and health of employees. After years of efforts, the production safety accident rate has always been at a low level. There were no major casualties. In addition, the company has also established a labor safety and health management system.

Environmental governance

Environmental governance is a part of corporate social responsibility, which is consistent with the realization of corporate development. As an enterprise, fulfilling social responsibility is by no means a burden, but the internal and inevitable requirement of realizing the sustainable development of the enterprise.

Circular economy and green development not only realize the fundamental transformation of the development mode, but also embody the courage to bear social responsibility.

With a high sense of social responsibility, the company takes the development of circular economy and building a green factory as one of the core elements of the enterprise's development strategy, and clearly proposes to adhere to the road of green development, vigorously advocate the concept of ecological, environmental protection, civilization and low-carbon production and life, so that the circular economy and green economy can become the new development mode, new benefit growth point and competitiveness of Jinlong technology, We will spare no efforts to build a demonstration factory of circular economy in the textile industry.

High quality strategy, high efficiency and energy saving, demonstrates the strength of the enterprise and assumes the responsibility of leading the industry. As one of the leading enterprises of knitting machinery, in line with the attitude of being responsible for users, the company vigorously implements the high-quality strategy to ensure product quality and win the market and customers with quality; In the process of product production, choose efficient and energy-saving processing equipment. In terms of production organization, try to make use of the low power consumption to avoid the peak power consumption. While the product output increases by 3 times, the hydropower energy consumption only increases by 1.5 times; In terms of industry fluctuations and product upgrading, the company has the courage to assume the responsibility of leading industrial development, and product upgrading and new product research and development have always been in the leading position in the industry.

The company passed the environmental testing report issued by Changshu environmental testing center, and passed the environmental protection acceptance of Changshu Environmental Protection Bureau. As the company is a mechanical processing and manufacturing enterprise, there is no waste gas and waste water problem. The domestic sewage of the company is treated normally and discharged to the standard. The waste oil and cutting fluid in metal processing are regularly sent to Changshu designated recycling station for treatment after being recycled within the company.

In the construction of the new plant, the company first carried out the environmental impact assessment. Among the newly purchased production equipment and lighting equipment, the company has adopted a large number of energy-saving, power-saving and water-saving equipment. The adoption of new energy-saving equipment has made the company's cost saving effect remarkable.

Fair operation

The company has always believed that corruption such as commercial bribery seriously destroys the legal system, endangers free and fair competition, and has a very bad impact on society, economy and the development of the enterprise itself.

In order to build an efficient and transparent anti commercial bribery prevention and control mechanism, it will help to win the trust of partners and customers, so as to provide an effective guarantee for the sustainable development of "Golden Dragon". The company has established a discipline inspection department headed by the Secretary of the general Party branch, which has formulated a code of business conduct for employees and relevant legal documents for possible commercial bribery in the production and operation activities of the company.

The company always abides by business ethics, strives to abide by international norms, and advocates fair competition. Employees are required to be both legal and ethical when participating in market competition.

In May, 2010, the company formulated the intellectual property management manual, and successively formulated the patent management system, the enterprise trademark management measures, the enterprise technology secret and trade secret management measures, the intellectual property reward and punishment system, the intellectual property emergency plan, the intellectual property application control procedure, the confidentiality agreement, the ownership management of intellectual property achievements and many other systems, The intellectual property rights of the company have been effectively protected. By the end of 2012, the company has a total of 73 national patents, including 26 invention patents. At the same time, the company also owns two software copyrights and one software product. In 2010, he won Suzhou excellent patent award, Changshu Patent Gold Award, and Jiangsu Excellent patent award in 2011.

As the company has been well managed in terms of intellectual property rights, there has never been a property dispute with other companies.

The company also actively participated in the formulation of national and industrial standards, and has participated in the drafting of four national standards and three industrial standards. It is one of the main drafting units of the above standards.


The main sales areas of the company's products in China are the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, the southeast coast of Fujian and Guangdong, the Bohai Bay, Anhui, Henan, Hebei and other regions and provinces, and abroad are Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Bangladesh, Russia and other countries. More than 30 service institutions have been established throughout the country. Radiate nationwide, and ensure on-site maintenance of purchased company equipment within 24 hours. The interests of consumers are guaranteed to the greatest extent.

The computerized flat knitting machine has a high technical content, which requires systematic training to understand its technical characteristics and operation essentials. Therefore, professional and skilled operators, plate making talents and technical maintenance talents are of paramount importance. While the advanced computerized flat knitting machine equipment replaces the traditional manual flat knitting machine products, it is still a short time in many knitted garment enterprises in China, and there is a lack of professionals. In order to solve customers' difficulties in using machines and ensure that customers can better use the equipment, the computer flat knitting machine training center set up by the company provides one month free training for users who buy the company's equipment, which ensures customers' understanding, normal use and maintenance of the company's products, and also promotes the improvement of the technical level of professionals in the overall knitting industry.

At present, the company's after-sales service center covers the main sales areas of the company's products. Localized service and efficient response mechanism can timely meet and solve the needs and problems of customers in terms of after-sales service, technical support, technical training, spare parts assurance, etc. Make the satisfaction and loyalty of new and old customers always maintain the highest level in the industry.

The company has always paid attention to the establishment and improvement of customer relations, and defined various systems for customer service in the working system formulated by the after-sales service department; There are "after sales service department management process" and "Longxing product customer information feedback form", etc. Through regular user return visits, questionnaire distribution, telephone, email, fax contact, mutual visits and other ways, the company understands customer demand information through multiple channels, and timely solves and improves the opinions and suggestions put forward by customers.

As a leading enterprise in the industry, the company is not only responsible for the production and sales of the company's main product --- computerized flat knitting machine, but also for the performance of extended services and the responsibility of consumers. The company has the only "China knitting computer flat knitting machine application technology research and development center" awarded by the China Knitting Industry Association, which is committed to bringing together elite enterprises in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the sweater industry chain to jointly design and develop fashionable sweater knitted fabrics and establish a strong knitting software database. There are more than 2000 patterns in the pattern database of the company for customers who buy the company's equipment to choose for free. The "Dragon Star Knitting series" regularly published by the company led the development of the popular trend in the domestic sweater industry. At the end of 2012, the "Dragon Star Cup" national textile industry horizontal knitting machine professional skills competition named after the company's brand promoted the overall improvement of China's knitting technology level.

Due to the stable product quality and good after-sales service, the company won the "China Textile Machinery star user most satisfied Brand Award" issued by the China Textile Industry Federation in 2012, and also won the quality nomination award of the China textile industry in the same year. At the end of 2012, the "Dragon Star" trademark also won the title of "China famous trademark" issued by the State Administration for Industry and commerce.

Community participation and development

In recent years, the company has actively participated in social activities and public welfare activities. In order to support the harmonious development of public welfare undertakings and enterprise management, the company will support the principle of public welfare undertakings according to the brand strategic planning. The company focuses on education and charitable donations, and actively carries out public welfare activities. Organize employees to donate blood voluntarily for many times. After the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan in 2008, the company organized all employees to donate money to support the disaster areas at the first time. The Party branch of the company also mobilized all Party members to pay "special party dues" to offer the deep love of Jinlong people for earthquake relief. The company also made donations to Changshu charity foundation, Tongtong sunshine charity donation, charity foundation targeted student donation, Guizhou Jinsha County Shatu town hope primary school donation, etc. to fulfill the social responsibility of the enterprise.

Mr. Jin Yongliang, the general manager of the company, made a long-term donation to a college student with poor family life until graduation.

The company carries out joint construction activities with colleges and universities and vocational and technical colleges in the domestic textile industry. It is a key cooperative unit of a number of colleges and universities with knitting expertise, such as Tianjin University of technology, Beijing Institute of clothing, Jiangnan University, Changshu Institute of technology, etc. in order to make students get better exercise, the company provides equipment and venues as an internship base for students in school, and provides computer flat knitting equipment for many colleges and universities free of charge, It is for school teaching. According to the company's understanding of products and experience in production, it has jointly compiled a textbook with Tianjin University of technology, which has become the recommended textbook for colleges and universities.

Brand Positioning

Since its inception, the company has paid great attention to the cultivation and development of its brand, and is committed to becoming a professional intelligent equipment manufacturing enterprise integrating the R & D, production, sales and service of knitting machinery products. In terms of innovation ability, technical level, product function and reliability, user market evaluation, benefit acquisition ability, etc., it has ranked first in the same industry in China, and has directly followed the world's top brands.

The company takes the brand strategy as a systematic project of the company, implements it in a planned way, and constantly summarizes and improves it. In terms of brand positioning, the company always adheres to the concept of "service as the core", takes the needs and benefits of customers as the company's focus, and shapes the corporate brand image. At present, the company has the ability of independent innovation and its own brand. In 2009, the company's Longxing brand LxC series computer flat knitting machine products won the title of "Jiangsu famous brand products". At the end of 2012, the company's "Longxing" trademark won the title of "China famous trademark" issued by the State Administration for Industry and commerce. The above honors further enhance the company's brand advantages and rapidly enhance the value and market influence of the company's brand.

The company has the only "China knitting computer flat knitting machine application technology research and development center" awarded by China Knitting Industry Association and "China Textile machinery industry computer flat knitting machine research and development center" awarded by China Textile Machinery Equipment Industry Association, which can provide customers with a full range of system services integrating equipment, technical training and pattern design. In the future development process, the company will strive to build a knitting machinery supplier that enables the "Longxing" brand to continue to lead the development of China's knitting machinery industry, integrating the industrial chain and the upstream and downstream.

Brand Culture

Brand culture and enterprise culture are inseparable. At the beginning of its establishment, the company paid equal attention to the construction of brand culture and enterprise culture. In the development process of the company in the past 20 years, the "Longxing" brand has changed from the initial recognition of customers in the market to the current well-known brand in the industry. Finally, the "Longxing" trademark has become a shining star rising in China's textile machinery industry. The company has made a lot of work in brand construction.

"Longxing" brand has also experienced the accumulation of corporate culture in the development process of the company, which reflects the interest cognition and emotional attribution of the company and consumers. It is the sum of the company's brand and traditional culture as well as the company's personality image. It highlights the external publicity and integration advantages of "Dragon Star", effectively transmits the concept of "Golden Dragon people" to consumers, and then occupies the minds of consumers. "Longxing" brand culture has been the essence of the enterprise condensed on the brand.

In 2008, the company established a leading group for corporate culture work, headed by the general manager, to clarify the vision, mission and core values of the enterprise. Through the corporate culture, the company shows the public the style of successful management, good business conditions and new staff spirit, shaping a good overall image for the company, expanding social influence and becoming a huge intangible asset of the company; The company's corporate culture also enables employees to have common goals, have a consistent understanding of many issues, enhance mutual trust and communication between employees, management and employees, strengthen the spirit of teamwork, and maximize the enthusiasm and creativity of employees; In addition, the company's corporate culture has also improved the company's core competitiveness, enabling the enterprise to form an endogenous driving force rather than relying on external innovation driving force, and cultivate continuous rather than short-term innovation ability.

The company also uses the company's website, employee symposiums, the company's publication "Jinlong technology" and other forms to convey and communicate to employees, so that the corporate culture gradually goes deep into the employees' consciousness and turns into the employees' conscious actions, so that the enterprise and employees can establish a community of cultural values while establishing a community of interests. The top management of the company takes "loyalty, integrity, pragmatism and innovation" as the enterprise philosophy, and constantly urges and inspires all employees.