

The company's 2021 annual work summary and commendation meeting and 2022 goal commitment meeting were grandly held in the lecture hall on the fifth floor of the comprehensive building. More than 350 people, including chairman and general manager Jin Yongliang and other company leaders and all employees, attended the conference.

Anchor a New Goal, Set Sail for a New Journey

Different from previous years, this year, the outstanding employees of the company are all sitting in the front, and the leaders are all sitting in the last row. Their eyes fell on the employees in the front row. It embodies Jinlong's philosophy of customers first, employees second, and shareholders third.

Anchor a New Goal, Set Sail for a New Journey

Chairman's speech

The chairman and general manager of the company, Mr. Jin Yongliang, came to the stage to deliver a speech and make the 2022 general manager policy address

Mr. Jin's speech made a comprehensive and objective summary of our company's operating conditions in 2021, and at the same time put forward the company's strategic goals and development ideas in 2022.

Party branch secretary and deputy general manager Jin Lianggen read out the "Decision on Commending Advanced Workers"

Awards for Outstanding Employees and Groups

Awards for outstanding employees and groups

Chairman Jin Yongliang presented awards to advanced workers and took a group photo

Deputy General Manager Wang Zhengjun read out the "Decision on Commending Outstanding Individuals and Teams of Amoeba in 2021"

Excellent team

A group of ordinary people, working together,

Do something "one meter wide and ten thousand meters deep"

Awards and group photos for outstanding employees

Excellent Employee Representative

Excellent employee representative

Sign the Letter of Appointment and the Letter of Responsibility for the Target

Sign the letter of appointment and the letter of responsibility for the target

During the 2022 Goal Commitment Conference, Chairman Jin Yongliang first announced the "Decision on the Appointment of Senior Executives and General Managers of Business Units"; the general managers of each business department signed a "Target Responsibility Letter" with the company.

After stepping through the red carpet, next year's career path will be booming; everyone should think in one place and work hard in one place.

The General Manager of Each Business Department Makes a Policy Report

The general manager of each business department makes a policy report

After listening to the policy addresses and slogans of each business division, I think they can further strengthen the confidence of every Jinlong people present here.

Speeches by the Three Centers

Speeches by the three centers

Zhou Wanqun, director of the administrative management center, Gao Hui, director of the financial management center, and Zhang Jing, director of the operation management center, made speeches respectively.

Group Photo

Group photo

Milestone Together

Thank you to all leaders and colleagues for your hard work in 2021. In 2022, we stand on a new starting line, let us cheer for Jinlong's new milestone together.

I wish you all a happy and happy every day in the new year.

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